Request for Proposal
Sealed proposals for Professional Engineering Services will be received at the Houlton Water Company, 21 Bangor Street, Houlton, Maine 04730 until 3:00 P.M. local time on Thursday, May 1, 2025.
The Houlton Water Company (HWC) is a municipality owned utility that provides water, sewer and electrical service to the Town of Houlton and several surrounding communities in southern Aroostook County, Maine. HWC owns and operates the wastewater collection and treatment systems that serve Houlton.
HWC is soliciting a Request for Proposals (RFP) from professional engineering firms for services to include, mechanical and electrical design and specifications for the replacement of all mechanical equipment for the two (2) final clarifiers (settling tanks 1 &2), two (2) raw wastewater pumps (#2 & #4) with variable frequency drives (VFD), installation design for three (3) return activated sludge return pumps with VFDs and the installation design for one (1) effluent flushing pump.
Proposals shall be submitted in writing and signed by the proposer or a duly authorized agent. All proposals shall be submitted in sealed envelopes and marked on the outside with “PROPOSAL – POTW CLARIFIER REHAB & PUMP REPLACEMENT ENGINEERING SERVICES” and with the name of the proposer.
The Houlton Water Company reserves the right to waive any formality or any informality in the process of awarding this proposal. The Houlton Water Company reserves the right to accept any proposal, in whole or in part, and to reject any or all proposals if it is deemed in the best interest of the Houlton Water Company to do so.
To obtain a copy of the Proposed Scope of Services and Requirements, contact Kirk Ball, PE, Acheron Engineering, LLC via email A site visit can be schedule by contacting Will Hogan via email